About me

Name: Norbert Varga

Nick: Nonoo, since 1990

Email: nonoo@nonoo.hu

Amateur radio callsign: HA2NON, since 2008

Born: 4th December 1983 15:10

Living in: Tata and Budapest, Hungary

First computer: C64, got it in 1990 with a Datasette 1530 C2N tape drive :)

Favorite C64 games: King’s Bounty, Elite, Defender Of The Crown, North & South, Bruce Lee, and (of course) Wizard of Wor

Owned consoles: PS4, PSP (playing mostly with NES and SNES emulators) :)

Owned computers: 486DX2 (1995), P1/133 (1997), AMDK6-2/266 (1998), P3/750 (1999), P4/2.4 (2003), Core2Duo/2.4 (2006), I7/2.6 (2009), Lenovo T520 (2012)

Used OSes on these computers: DOS 5.0/6.22, Win95, 98, Me, XP, Win7, Corel Linux, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian

Favorite OSes: Debian (servers), Lubuntu (desktops)

First used internet: in 1996

Programming since: 1991

Well-known languages: C, PHP, Javascript, Bash/POSIX shell scripts, HTML, CSS

Other languages I occasionally use: Go, Java, C++

Forgotten languages: Pascal, Basic

Studied at: Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Works at: SharkRF (own company), designing and developing RF products.

Links to various profile pages

About me

I'm Nonoo. This is my blog about music, sounds, filmmaking, amateur radio, computers, programming, electronics and other things I'm obsessed with. ... »


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