I’ve updated my webcam site, Now I’m using two Microsoft LifeCam Cinema webcams with 720p resolution, one in my window facing east and one on the roof facing west (this one is connected to my server using a 20m active USB extension cable).

The whole system which captures and processes images to a daily YouTube timelapse video is here:

download (2.9 mb)

It also contains udev files for webcam image controls and naming, cron.d file for generating the timelapse movie and the init.d script to start the auto image capture every half minutes. You can also use a wav file for background sound under the generated video. See this post.

I’m using a modified version of uvccapture for capturing images from the webcams. As these cams are high resolution ones, USB bandwidth limitations apply, so I can’t open them simultaneously. I grab a frame from one camera at a time. See the webcam-capture script on how I capture images from the cams.

Temperature data is taken from my temperature database. See this post.

The taken images won’t get uploaded to the server, the server downloads the latest file from my home server when a client asks for it. This way my home server’s slow ADSL upload (80k/s…) won’t be used needlessly.

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