Nonoo’s classic Winamp pack
Last modified: December 11th, 2007Tired of new Winamp5’s memory and CPU consumption? It’s slow for you? You want a simple stuff that does it’s job – playing music files – smoothly, without problems? Then Nonoo’s classic Winamp pack is for you!

Latest version: 1.5 (11th December 2007, changelog)
download (2 mb)
- Winamp 2.92
- only important plugins included
- easy to install and uninstall (with NSIS installer)
- no spyware, adware or things like this
- all plugins are compatible
Included plugins
- plays back flac, ape, wv, mp4, wma, ogg, speex, sid, mod, s3m, xm files by default (in_flac.dll, in_ape.dll, in_wv.dll, in_mp4.dll, in_wm.dll, in_ogg.dll, in_speex.dll, in_sid2.dll, in_mod.dll)
- plays cue files – shows cue tracks like songs in the playlist (in_cue.dll)
- continues playback from the position Winamp last closed (gen_timerestore.dll)
- global hotkeys (WIN+x: start playback, WIN+c: pause, WIN+v: stop, WIN+y: previous song, WIN+n: next song) (gen_hotkey.dll)
- ASIO out support, recommended if your sound card supports it (rename out_asio.dl_ to out_asio.dll in the plugins folder, then select it as your default output plugin) (out_asio.dll)
- Blood2oo1’s Odyss visualisation plugin (simple and beautiful) (Odyss.dll)
- default Winamp2 plugins (out_xf.dll – crossfade, out_disk.dll – disk writer, out_null.dll – null output etc.)
- ShoutCast plugin (dsp_sc.dll)
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About me
I'm Nonoo. This is my blog about music, sounds, filmmaking, amateur radio, computers, programming, electronics and other things I'm obsessed with.
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I really like your odyss, its a really cute vis!
Still using winamp, its sooo fast :)
If you could tell me two things for perfection:
– is there a possibility to save odyss window position? I tried to add a odyss.ini with different options, but it doesnt work
– what do you use to autostart your visuals (like odyss) for winamp 2.92?
warm regards
I asked BlooD2oo1 about the window position problem, he’ll add this feature in the next version which is coming soon.
You can set visualization to autostart in Winamp preferences->Plug-ins. Turn on the checkbox: Auto execute visualization plug-in on play.
I just love your Winamp pack.
It would be nice to include a PSF plugin :)
Why don’t you use WinAmp 2.95 (last version from the 2.x line)?
Good question. :)
Anyway, 2.92 works fine for me.
there could be some improvements (I don’t know which, I didn’t find the changelog).
my friend thank you for this gift
thank you a lot for this package ! My windows crashed, and I had to reinstall all theses early 2000’s software which have became very hard to find. I will seriously regret this time, where lightweight software and homepage like yours were common.
Works great on Windows 10. No other music player can be that fast.