Steve Reich Bootleg

I made this recording at a Steve Reich concert held in Budapest Palace of Arts, on 6th December, 2006. It was performed by Amadinda Percussion Group.

Budapest Palace of Arts

The recording quality is poor, hence the lo-fi tag. It was recorded with my M-Audio Microtrack with it’s factory default stereo condenser mic and it’s noisy built-in preamp.
There’s a lot of reverb caused by the concert hall, and there’s a noticeable delay between the sound of amplified and live instruments, mostly because I held the Microtrack in my lap and I sat in the 6th row. Mic feedback can be heard sometimes – the mixing engineer kept microphones’ level at feedback limit…

A child’s chatter can be heard sometimes, he sat next to me and continuously kept talking to his mom. Recording gain was quite low, this was one of my first recordings made with my Microtrack.

I hope you’ll like this recording in spite of the annoyances.

download (34.3 mb)

Pingback by Kronos Quartet Bootleg at dreamport | 2007-11-08 21:02:37

[…] quality is the same as the previous Steve Reich bootleg’s: it was recorded with my M-Audio Microtrack with it’s factory default stereo […]

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