Some videos

Here are some videos I published on YouTube in the past few months.

RemoteSense techshow

We’ve been on a technological exhibition called TechShow 2012 in Budapest with my current employer, promoting our smart metering technology called RemoteSense:

School finish party

I’ve finally finished school and had a little party with my friends and colleagues in our cellar:

Prater Vienna

We’ve visited our friends Tibi and Viola in Marialanzendorf. We’ve spent the weekend mostly at the theme park called Prater in Vienna:

Sunset on the Kálvária hill

Hotel Via Keszthely

We’ve spent a week in Keszthely in a quite good hotel called Hotel Kakadu. To prolong our holiday, we’ve spent one plus night in Hotel Via, which was an awful old soviet-era hotel:

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I'm Nonoo. This is my blog about music, sounds, filmmaking, amateur radio, computers, programming, electronics and other things I'm obsessed with. ... »


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